I can't believe 2015 is just around the corner!!  What a fast year 2014 was!  I already have my calendar ready to go at school for when we return in 2015!  I changed the calendar and one of my kindergarten friends said, "But what about Christmas?!?!"  I had to explain we were still having Christmas, but I just changed the calendar for the new month!  
I'm finally getting around to doing this adorable "Fourteen in '14" link-up with Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher, Hadar at Miss Kindergarten, and Traci at Dragonflies in First.  They are some wonderful bloggers and I love reading their posts!!
We used this quote at our wedding and I just LOVE it...
 "Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale."

And because I teach kindergarten, I love this one too...
"All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten." ~ Robert Fulghum

My cardigans!!  I might have a slight cardigan obsession - I can't be the only one, right?!?!  I have just about every color cardigan and I'm totally okay with that!!  Thank you Old Navy and GAP for selling every color!


Loved all of the books and loved this movie!!

We love this show!!  I also like to watch Switched at Birth, The Fosters, Jane the Virgin, Once Upon a Time, 19 Kids and Counting, Shark Tank, The Bachelor, The Little Couple, Dancing with the Stars...I sound like a tv addict!!  Really we record a lot of shows and then watch them back when we have some free time!!

Buffalo Wild Wings = YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!  Parmesan Garlic boneless wings are my favorite!!

 Blogging!!!!  I was even a "blogger button" for Halloween!  I started my blog in the summer and I have found so many great ideas through other blogs! 

Anniversary ring from my husband! 

I pinned this idea...

And turned it into this idea of my own for Back to School Night!

My "Notice and Wonder" blog post was one of my favorite posts that I did!

Finishing my second 5K!!
Starting my blog!!
 Starting my 11th year of teaching!!
This was just taken at Christmas and I love it!

California trip!  And we were able to see a taping of Jeopardy!!  (Notice one of my cardigans making an appearance in this picture!!)
 To do more Random Acts of Kindness!!

Happy New Year (a little early)!!!
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So glad that I found this link-up!  This one is from The Inspired Apple!  It is super cute so you should link-up too!!

I'm off to check out some of the other blogs that linked up!!
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I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for my Sunday Scoop!http://www.teachingtrio.blogspot.com/2014/12/sunday-scoop-12714.html

I realized after I typed everything that it was all Christmas themed!!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!!  Here is my Sunday Scoop!
3 things I have to do:
*Christmas shopping!  I have a few gifts already bought, but still have more to do!!
*Christmas baking!  I posted about this in another post, but I really have to do some baking this week!
*Christmas cards!  I have to get started on these! 
2 things I hope to do:
*Christmas list!  I have had some family ask me for a list!  I always have trouble with this because I can't ever think of things that I want when I'm asked!!
*Christmas tree!  We get a real tree and we are hoping to get that this week!  We have some decorations out already, but need the tree!
1 thing I'm happy to do:
*Christmas ornament exchange party!  I'm going to an ornament exchange party with some friends tonight and I'm definitely happy to do that!!
Do you have an "Elf on the Shelf" in your classroom???  I've been combining the silly elf antics with kindness notes and I love it!  Check out what our class elf (Christmas is his name) did last week!  If you follow me on Instagram, then you most likely have seen these!  Silly elf!
Don't forget to grab this *freebie* in my TpT store if you use an elf in your classroom! 
Have a super week!!
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December?!?!?!  How did we get to December so quickly!!!  I feel like things have been super busy, but in a good way!!  
 I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving with their families!  Mine was filled with fun family times, turkey dinner, Black Friday shopping, Spend More Money Saturday Shopping, and lots of laughs!  We haven't started decorating for Christmas yet and I'm SO ready to start!!  We get a real tree so we usually wait until the first week of December to get our tree to avoid the mess of pine needles EVERYWHERE!!!  
I'm linking up with Farley for my December Currently!  These are always so fun and the clipart is just adorable!!  Link-up by clicking the image below!
 Listening - CMA Country Christmas!  Just listened to Carrie Underwood perform a little bit ago...seriously how amazing is she!!!  I love all the Christmas specials on tv this month!!
Loving - The holidays!!  What a wonderful time of year!!  
Thinking - I want to check out TpT for some new clipart while the sales are going on!!!  I am so thankful for the support my TpT store has received over the past few months and really enjoy supporting other teachers on TpT!
Wanting - I really want to do some Christmas shopping!  I started buying a few things this past weekend (and even wrapped one present!!), but I really want to do some more shopping! 
Needing - Normally I have a freezer FILLED with holiday baking and this year I have not one thing yet!!  EEK!!!  I'm just a little behind with my baking and really need to get started on that!!  Here are some of the things I usually make! 
Giving - We took my family out for Chinese food tonight and paid!  Love treating others especially when they don't expect it!  
Have a great week everyone!!   
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Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!!  Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving preparations!!!  I'm getting ready to make pumpkin cranberry muffins!   But first, I'm linking up for my Wordless Wednesday post today with Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice

Here is my picture...
And my question for you is: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Mine is a toss-up between mashed potatoes with gravy and stuffing!!  YUM!!!!
Anyone else crazy like me and enjoy going shopping on Black Friday?!?!?!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Don't eat too much turkey!! 
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Gobble Gobble!!!  Happy Thanksgiving Week!  What food are you most looking forward to eating devouring on Thanksgiving day?!?!  I love stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy and sweet potatoes with marshmallows and pumpkin pie...I love it all!  Actually the turkey is probably my least favorite believe it or not!  However, I do like to make turkey salad with the leftovers - yum!!  
Here is my Sunday Scoop!

3 things I have to do:
*I have to get my plans out of the printer - short week this week!!  
*I have to make a few copies in the morning - usually I try to make copies ahead of time, but I just found this activity so copying in the morning it is!
*I have to fold laundry - as usual!!!  

2 things I hope to do:
*I am planning to start using my Elf on the Shelf next Monday so I really hope to dig it out this week sometime!!  
*I've been reading Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations book and I really hope to organize some math stations! 

1 thing I'm happy to do:
*We have had some cold weather and it's supposed to be somewhat warmer this week!  

Looking for some Thanksgiving fun??  This website has the cutest Thanksgiving photo booth prop printables for FREE!!  I printed them and laminated them to use last year - so much fun!  
Hope everyone has a wonderful week and Happy Thanksgiving!!  

Don't forget to link-up with Teaching Trio for your Sunday Scoop!
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I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for my Sunday Scoop!!!  I've missed the past few weeks so I'm excited to be linking up with them today!!

3 things I have to do:
*I have to look for some meals!  I always find when I plan meals for us, we spend less at the grocery store and it makes it easy to make dinner!
*Anyone else make their lunch the night before??  It's so much easier than scrambling around in the morning!!
*Same with making my lunch the night before, if I pick out my outfit the night before I save time in the morning! (Except when I decide in the morning that I don't really like what I picked out the night before hahaha!) 

2 things I hope to do:
 *I love Christmas music!  O Holy Night is my FAVORITE!!  
*I love putting pictures of my students around my classroom and I have some pictures I hope to print!

1 thing I'm happy to do:
*I love all the Christmas movies this time of year!  Angels and Ornaments is the moving I'm recording tonight!  
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!   
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