November Currently

Happy November!!  How did it get to be November already?!?!  I'm linking up with Farley for my November Currently!  This is a fun one to do each month!!
Listening - The Proposal!  We own this movie on DVD so I guess I could actually put it on and watch it, but I'm sitting here with it on tv!!  I LOVE this movie!!  
Loving - Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies!!  I just watched One Starry Christmas tonight and it was soooo cute!!
Thinking - I can't believe it is already November!!!  October flew by!
Wanting - I need to refill my glass of tea!  Anyone else a fan of green tea??  Sooo refreshing!
Needing - I love going to Target after holidays to check out their holiday clearance section!  I usually find stuff for my classroom or other things that I probably don't really need, but buy because it's on clearance!!  haha!
Reading - I'm going to read some other blogs after I post this!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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  1. I agree! How in the world can it be November already!?!? Time has flown by this year. Love your Target idea...that could get me in trouble, but it would be fun!

    Creativity to the Core

  2. I LOVE Christmas movies!! So jealous that you have a whole channel dedicated to them!

    Learning to be awesome

  3. I love finding and reading new blogs, thanks to Currently. It's such a good way to "meet" new bloggers!


  4. I LOVE green tea, too, especially when I don't feel well. All I put in it is a tiny bit of agave. Yum!!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans


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