Currently AUGUST!

Happy August!  I'm excited to link up with Farley for my Currently postHow does the beginning of the month always manage to sneak up on me?!?!
Here is my Currently:
Listening: I was listening to the tv because my husband and brother were watching a movie.  But, I wasn't paying one bit of attention because I was too busy working on this...
I started off by updating a cover and somehow managed to create that!
Loving: I am loving that Erin from Kindergarten Dragons spotlighted me on her blog today!!  So incredibly sweet of her!  You can check out her post by clicking her button below: 
Thinking: I am so excited to go out to breakfast in the morning with my family!
Wanting: Book baskets for independent reading for my classroom!  I wanted to get new ones this year and I found the PERFECT ones at the Dollar Tree, but they only had 3!  I bought those 3, but have yet to find more.  I really should check on their website to see if they have the ones I want!
   Needing: I have been updating covers and products like crazy in my TpT store!  After attending the TpT Conference (AMAZING experience by the way!) I really did some reflecting about my "brand."  I heard a lot of presenters talk about your brandTo be honest, I really didn't know exactly what my brand was!  That is until recently when I realized I LOVE using black and white digital paper backgrounds in my product covers!!  So I have been redesigning my products and covers to match what I consider my "brand."  I love that it also matches my blog colors!  
B2S RAK: I am putting together "Teacher Emergency Kits" for my kindergarten team for Back to School gifts!  I'm so excited about this and plan to post about it soon!  
Be sure to join the Currently fun by linking up below!  Happy August!
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  1. Heather,
    What a great idea with the Teacher Emergency Kit. It is something you can prep early (not the morning of). I can't wait to see your post about it.
    I have heard nothing but FANTASTIC things about the Vegas conference. I attended through blogs and periscope this year, but fingers crossed, I will be there next year. BTW, I love the black and white with the brand. It is a great look!
    Kim D.
    Learning, Laughter, and Love

  2. I've also been busy updating covers and Back to School products. I admit, I've been a little obsessive about it! Wasn't the conference incredible? That's so cool you were highlighted in another Kindergarten blog!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  3. Love going out for breakfast! Back home there's a place called the Pancake Farm. It's awesome. I usually go several times whenever I visit. Branding is something I need to do more. I kind of have a blue and orange thing going on my blog now, but I haven't really figured out my products yet. I wish I could just take a week and do nothing but read, write, and create.
    Not very fancy in 1st

  4. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and getting to spend it with your family is the very best! I love how you're changing your product covers and have settled on a theme for your 'brand', great job!! That can be really difficult to do!! I can't wait to see your Teacher Emergency Kits!!! I'm putting together something for my team too and would love some more ideas! :-) I'm so glad that you like your Spotlight! Please feel free linking up with us whenever you would like!
    I hope you have a wonderful week and are able to fully enjoy the rest of your summer!!

    Kindergarten Dragons

  5. Your new cover/product is super cute. Great job getting many of your covers re-done. I am slowly but surely working on that too. Congrats on being featured on Kindergarten Dragons blog. How fun! I saw on IG you found your book baskets hooray! Have a great week!

    Luv My Kinders

  6. Oh, I LOVE the emergency kit idea for B2S gifts! I guess I need to do more SHOPPING! :)

  7. I am in need of book baskets, too. I am getting brand new computers in my room (yay!) but to install them all of my shelving was removed. Not complaining, though..I'll definitely take the computers!


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