Currently April!

Happy April!!  This is seriously my second blog post today...I'm not even pulling an April Fool's Joke!!  But, I HAVE to do my Currently April with Farley, so two posts in one day it is!!
Listening - We are watching Restaurant Impossible right now.  Anyone else watch this show??  It's always crazy to see how they can fix up a restaurant!
Loving - Spring Break!!
Thinking - I can't wait to color Easter eggs!  My husband and I color eggs together and it is always so much fun.  We will be coloring eggs this weekend!
Wanting - I thought for sure I would be working on a new TpT product during Spring Break, but nope...haven't even started one.  Actually I did post a Jellybean Math Freebie the other day on TpT so I guess that kinda sorta maybe counts!
Needing - Today was a "Spring Cleaning" day, but there is still more to do.  Need to continue with that throughout the week!
EGGS-plain Your Name - I love baking and teaching so Recipe for Teaching is what this little blog of mine became!  If you follow me on Instagram, you probably have seen some of my cupcake creations.  
Off to check out some of the other Currently posts!!  Oh and Recipe for Teaching is on Facebook now!!  Hop on over and "like" my page if you would like!
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  1. You can come cook at my house. It's definitely not my favorite thing to do. (It's really not the cooking I dislike, it's the cleaning up after.) Enjoy your spring break! It's all downhill from here. :)

    1. haha! Luckily my husband and I both like to cook!! He does the dishes most of the time which is amazing!! I'm definitely enjoying my spring break, but it seems to be flying by!!

  2. Hi Heather! What's funny is I love to watching baking and cooking competition shows (remember how I literally can't boil water?) I loathe cooking and baking myself but I find it so fascinating to watch other people do it (especially baking)! I have never seen Restaurant Impossible though!
    I have soooo much spring cleaning to do. But I don't want to do it haha.
    I do see your cupcake creations on IG and I love them!!!
    Two blog posts in a day - yay you!!! Have a good week :)

    1. Restaurant Impossible is a good one! We had been watching American Idol before that (just told you that on the comment I left on your blog!). We just started some spring cleaning today and there is more to do, but definitely don't want the whole spring break to be cleaning!!! I love making cupcakes!! I have compared using fondant when decorating to using playdough!! If I think of it like using playdough, it doesn't seem to be as difficult!! haha!

  3. I hear ya on the Spring Clearning!! I need to get busy with mine!!! Love Spring Break, I hope to work on a TPT project as well! Enjoy!!

    1. I started off Spring Break with a long list of things to do and I am kind of accomplishing it a little at a time!! Spring Break seems a lot longer when you are picturing it and then the days suddenly just zoom by!! Hope you get to work on a TpT product! Enjoy the rest of the week!

  4. I so need to get on the ball with my Spring Cleaning. It just doesn't seem to be happening, Good for you for getting it done! Your blog is just so cute and you have fantastic baked creations on IG. You are very talented. I wanted to get some TpT work done during my break too, but like the cleaning it is still on the list. Your jelly bean activity totally counts! Enjoy the rest of your break!

    Luv My Kinders

    1. Thank you Laura! Baking is definitely a hobby of mine! And my spring cleaning is getting there!! Glad that you agree my jellybean activity counts!! haha! That way I can say I did at least one new product over the break!! Although I did start a new one, but haven't finished it just yet! Have a great Easter weekend!

  5. Thanks Suzanne!! I love baking! And I couldn't believe I blogged twice in one day either, but when the currently post came out I just had to do another post!! I guess spring break makes it a little easier to do more than one post! haha! Have a wonderful weekend!


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