Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites Strategy 1 and 2

So to be honest, I just purchased my book yesterday!!  I purchased the Kindle edition since I did a last minute purchase!  I had heard of this book before and seen it before, but have never actually read it so I thought this was the perfect way to get some new ideas and collaborate with other teachers and bloggers.  Click on the picture below to join the discussion!
The first strategy was all about brainstorming and discussion.  I think all students need a lot of time for brainstorming and discussion.  My kindergarten students come with a variety of background knowledge and they can really learn so much from just discussing a topic with their classmates.  I find that having my students "think, pair, share" or "turn and talk to a friend" works really well when brainstorming ideas.  It really helps all students get an idea to share with the class.  I would like to try using some sentence starters (I realized that... or I agree with ____ that ____ or I would like to add to ____'s idea) with my students during discussions like the book suggested.  I think with a lot of modeling and practice my kindergarten friends could really do this!
I love art!  I always try to add pictures on charts we create as a class and my kids will say, "You are such a good drawer" or "How do you draw so good?"  It's so cute!  I feel like I give my students a lot of drawing opportunities as far as drawing during writing, in their Notebook of Learning, or at a literacy center.  However, I would like to do more!  My teammate had a great idea to do a mural of a habitat for science and I decided I wanted to do the same because it sounded so fun and hands on for the kids.  My team then decided we would each take a different habitat to make a mural for.  We had been discussing the relationship between the needs of plants and animals and the places they live so this was a perfect culminating activity.  We had books out for students to "research" different plants and animals in the habitat.  The next day we brainstormed (hey that is strategy 1!!) plants and animals that live in that habitat.  The following day each student used construction paper, scissors, and glue to create a plant or animal that lives in that habitat.  My classroom looked like a huge mess, but there was SO much great learning happening!  Here are some pictures of each habitat that the kindergarten classes created (my class did the ocean habitat).  They turned out so great!

  This was a math lesson where my students got to do some drawing and artwork and they LOVED it!

 For this writing lesson, my students illustrated a "how to" book.  We created the words to the book as a class and then I had my students work in groups to illustrate the pages. 

And if you made it this far I have created a *FREEBIE* in my TpT store for you!  It is the "Teen Number Snowman" activity that I shared in this post.  Just click the picture to go to my store and download!

Can't wait to check out who else joined the link-up and read their posts!!  Happy weekend!
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  1. On my blog post I noted that a "quiet classroom is a funeral for learning" - I think if a classroom remains clean and tidy 100 percent of the time, 100 percent of each day - you might be holding a little funeral action in that regard as well. I like it to be put back together by the end of the day - but let's face it - the process of learning is a messy one - as it should be!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Oh this was definitely a messy project!! haha! I just let the messy part of the lesson go and let the learning go on! They had a blast!!

  2. I love the mural idea! I've done something similar with just drawing on chart paper, but I LOVE the labeling you had your students add!

    1. Thank you!! We made a chart with ocean animals before making the murals so they were able to use the chart to help them spell and label their work!

  3. I agree with Holly! A lot of time people will come in my room and have to step over children painting on the floor, groups working on literacy work, or even just trains that stretch from the classroom door to the middle of the circle time rug. It's a mess, but oh so much learning is happening. Sometimes it gets loud, but most of the time it is just a low, hum that people hear when they pass and they always have to peek in to see what is keeping our attention so well. Hands on and active learning keeps students engaged and in turn keeps my behavior issues at a nice manageable level.

    1. Totally agree with you that hands on and active learning keeps students engaged!! So important to let them have those hands on experiences that help them create their own learning while having FUN!!!

  4. I love the mural's they look beautiful!!! Thank you for the snowman freebie, my students need extra practice in teen numbers! I like the sentence starter idea too! Melissa

    1. Thank you! And you are welcome for the snowman freebie! My students had a great time with it and enjoyed the artsy side of decorating their snowman. Check out Mrs. B's Beehive for a great freebie on sentence starters during discussions!!

  5. Your murals are wonderful, Heather! I agree with the other comments. Often, when your students are making your classroom the messiest, the greatest learning is going on! :)
    Primary Inspiration

    1. Thank you!! They had so much fun with the murals and there was definitely a lot of learning going on!! Have a great rest of the weekend!!

  6. I love that the book included sentence starters as well. Modeling in the primary grades is so important and helps the kids be successful.

    1. Modeling is definitely important in the primary grades! I am going to try using some of the sentence starters during class discussions!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. Those habitats are soooo cute! Love seeing all your pictures!

    1. Thank you!! The kids had the best time working on them and some kids even made more than one plant or animal because they were just so excited about it!!! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  8. The murals are beautiful! Messy classrooms are always crazy but the learning that happens is always so valuable. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for hosting the book study!!! I can't believe all of the great ideas I am already getting from other teachers!! Collaboration is so important and this is a great way of doing just that!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  9. Your murals are beautiful! I love the idea of writing a class book and then having the students illustrate it! What a great way for them to have ownership of their work. I definitely will need to try that in my classroom!

    Teach Talk Inspire


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