February Pick 3 Pinterest Linky

 I'm linking up again with Lisa over at PAWSitively Teaching and Marissa over at Inspired Owl's Corner for the February Pinterest Linky Party! 

I love all the great ideas I find on Pinterest and giggle whenever I see this:

I'm sharing 3 pins that I plan to use in my classroom this month!  Just click the images to go straight to the pin and pin for yourself!
Our 100th Day of School is this month and I definitely want to do something like this for my students!  The 100th day is one of my FAVORITE days of school!  I love this idea and have seen a lot of different variations on Instagram.  This one can be found over at Crayons and Cuties in Kindergarten for FREE!!

President's Day is in February!  We are going to teach about presidents and American symbolsI used this poem last year with my students and plan to use it again with my students this year!  It is a FREEBIE on TpT!

 Seriously, how cute is this!!  Super easy to makeThe directions are actually found on Lakeshore Learning's website.  I am thinking I am going to have to take pictures of my students as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln!  These would be SO cute hanging up!

Hope you were able to find something you can use in your classroom this month!  I'm excited to check out what other bloggers shared and do some pinning!!!  Be sure to link-up with your Pinterest pins below!

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  1. Those 100 day cookies are adorable. Makes me wish I taught kindergarten. Just perfect for the 100th day for school.

    Quinnessential Lessons

  2. I have seen the 100th day cookies before but I love at the message invites child and parent to sit down and share! That’s a keeper! Thanks so much!

  3. Love the 100th day cookies! The President photo props are adorable! Thanks for sharing and linking up!


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