Sunday Scoop!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and had a great Valentine's Day!  My husband surprised me with some beautiful flowers!  We also went out for an early dinner which was yummy!!   
I'm linking up with Teaching Trio with my Sunday Scoop!

Here is my Sunday Scoop:
3 things I HAVE to do:
*I'm working on a St. Patrick's Day TpT product and I am almost finished!!  I would like to have it posted today!
*Yep, we definitely have a mountain of laundry to fold!  Have to do that today!
*Stay WARM!!  It is soooooo cold outside!
2 things I HOPE to do:
*Even though it's soooooo cold outside, I would still like to venture out to Target!  I love looking through the after holiday sales!  Plus, I need some candy hearts for a math activity we are doing this week!
*We have a few shows recorded I hope to catch up on!  We have been recording Celebrity Apprentice and I also have a Hallmark movie (no surprise there!) recorded that I would like to watch!
1 thing I'm HAPPY to do:
*Enjoy the three day weekend!!
Have a super week everyone!    
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  1. Heather,
    I was thinking about a trip to Target today too, but it is just too cold! Good luck finishing up your St. Patty's product.
    Brynn Allison
    The Literary Maven

  2. Ugh! The Target after Valentine's Day sale! I need to do that! Thank you for the reminder! Enjoy your long weekend!

  3. Hi! I'm also catching up with my DVR, there wasn't any space there is!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I started a St. Patrick's Day product but I have NO motivation right now to work on it! We are holed up at home because of snow and wind chills! I have a bit of cabin fever, but my family is fun to hang out with. Have a great week!
    Laughter and Consistency

  5. I want to go to Target too, but it is just too cold!!!! I think I will hang with my DVR and hope for some good sales tomorrow!!! Yea for 3 day weekends!!!


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