Sunday Scoop!

It's Sunday and I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop Link-Up!!

Here is my Sunday Scoop!!  
3 things I have to do:
*I tried a new recipe for a pumpkin fluff dip (I'm posting about it on my recipe page so check it out!) and it is sooooo yummy!!  I must stay away from it, but this will be hard to do!!!
*I've been working on a new TpT product and just haven't finished working on it so I have to do that!
*I have to update my planner!  This is something I try to stay ahead of!
2 things I hope to do:
*Watch the Ravens win!!  I just keep that on there every week!
*I am going to update my recipe page with the pumpkin fluff dip I made yesterday!  Check it out because it's super easy to make!
1 thing I'm happy to do:
*We cleaned yesterday!  Always nice to enjoy a clean house for the start of the week!  
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!    post signature


  1. That pumpkin fluff dip DOES sound YUMMY! Er, what's a nice clean house? LOL! I did FINALLY manage to run the vacuum earlier in the week, but the rest? ugh!

    Have a great week,

    1. The pumpkin dip is delicious!!! Running the vacuum counts as cleaning!!! We still have laundry to do and fold - I guess I should have put that on my Sunday Scoop again!! lol!

  2. So, I'm going to NOT look at your pumpkin fluff recipe. :) I've done so well with healthy eating (and weight loss!) that I'm pretty sure it might be my downfall. Good luck staying away from it!

    1. Don't look at the recipe!!! haha! That's good that you are eating healthy!! So many yummy treats out this time of year!

  3. The pumpkin fluff recipe sounds delicious! I made a carrot & pineapple cake with passion curd layers 2 days ago... The last piece shouldn't be wasted, right?!

    1. That sounds delicious!! Definitely do not waste that last piece!!!!

  4. The pumpkin fluff recipe looks too good. That is why I am not going to make I have just gotten back to my healthy eating and I am committed to stay with it until Christmas. So very nice for you to relax in a clean house. With 3 boys and my hubby that doesn't ever seem to happen. As soon as I get one room clean and move on to another, they mess up the first room. Oh well, I love them anyway. Have a great week!

    Luv My Kinders

  5. I don't like pumpkin but I do like a clean house...LOL Enjoy your week Heather.


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