Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wednesday friends!!  The weather has been a lot cooler here lately and it is starting to feel a lot like fall outside!!  
I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice for Wordless Wednesday!  
Here is my picture:
That is a NEW treasure chest or as I refer to it - "Prize Box" - for my classroom!!!!!  The one I have right now is cute, but has been taped back together a few times and just needed to be updated.  I have been wanting to buy this whenever I would see it at Michaels or TJMaxx and finally I went ahead and splurged!!  Really, it was only $7.99 so I guess it's not really a splurge!  I picked this one up at TJMaxx....LOVE that store!!!
I use a Prize Box in my classroom as a reward for my students for good behavior or returning homework or just whenever I see a student do something amazing!  I find that my students love getting a trip to the prize box.  I just fill it with little things such as pencils, stickers, spider rings, bracelets, candy, etc.  I usually stock up on prize box treats after the holidays when things are on sale or I shop Target's dollar section. 
So my question for you is - Do you use a prize box in your classroom and what things do you fill it with?
Don't forget to check out my Markdown Monday and a Giveaway post for how you can win a FREEBIE! 
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  1. No prize box, but I teach high school. I do have candy for birthdays.

    Kovescence of the Mind

  2. I am sure your high school students love that!!!


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