Weekend Warriors: 3-2-1 Teacher Bio

Happy Saturday friends!!  I'm joining the Weekend Warriors Linky Party because it just sounds like fun!  What a great idea and great way to get to know other bloggers.  
Here is my 3-2-1 Teacher Bio:
 1. This upcoming year will be my 12th year teaching!  I taught 2nd grade for one year and have been in kindergarten ever since!  I love teaching kindergarten!

2. I LOVE children's books!  I have sooooo many books in my classroom.  I have baskets of books, cabinets of books, shelves of books.  My classroom is basically a library!  I have baskets with leveled books and baskets of books by genre for my students to choose from in my classroom.

3. My favorite subject to teach is math!  I love teaching math because it is so hands on.  We play a lot of math games to help with learning math concepts.  
 1. I love to bake!  My blog name combines my love of baking and teaching in one!  I love baking cupcakes and I even took a cake decorating class a few years ago.  Here are some of my favorite cupcake creations that I have made:

2. I am the oldest of three children!  My husband is the baby of his family!  I've seen this on Pinterest and made my own version of it (it totally applies to me and my siblings):
  My husband and I would LOVE to take a European Vacation!  Definitely something on our bucket list!
Join the Weekend Warriors Linky Party using the images below.  Happy Weekend!!
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  1. LOL... I love that graphic. It's funny b/c I am a rule follower by nature.. and I am the youngest. My sibling is the rule breaker. Maybe something happened with gene and our roles are reversed. Cute blog! I may have to do this link up later!

  2. Your cupcakes are adorable!!

  3. I had a great time reading about you! I too LOVE all things kindergarten and can't imagine being anywhere else! I also have a HUGE addiction to children's literature books, I just can't seem to ever have enough!! You created some AMAZING cupcakes, you have some seriously amazing decorating skills! I love all your pictures, they are so great!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us! I had a great time reading and learning about you!

    Warmest Wishes,
    Kindergarten Dragons

  4. Your cupcakes are adorable! I'm the oldest of 3 kids too. :)

  5. So glad you linked up with us, Heather! OMG, you have some mad baking skills! Those cupcakes look fantastic.
    I love math for the same reasons. I'm sure it's pretty obvious among my students. By the end of the year many of them say it's their favorite part of the day. #sorrynotsorry

    The Super Sparkly Teacher

  6. LOVE children's books as well! I had a course that required us to read and review 15 children's books and create a portfolio of the reviews, LOVED that project. :) Your cupcakes look absolutely amazing and yummy! I took a cake decorating class and it was so much fun.

    ♥ Stephanie
    Fishing for Education Blog

  7. Your cupcakes look so professional! I especially love those Disney ones! I took a cake decorating class a few years back and it was one of the best things I ever did! Did you take the Wilton classes by any chance? I have to admit that I don't enjoy the baking part much, but the decorating part is so much fun! My name is Maribel and I like to make things look pretty LOL :-)

  8. I'm the oldest too! Your cupcakes looks amazing!! Thanks for linking up with us!!!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  9. Heather, Your cupcakes are AMAZEBALLS!!!! And the teacher you is just like me! Many have passions for scrapbooking or knitting....I have a passion and hobby for collecting children's books! My first grade classroom also looks like it has been hosed down with picture books galore!! LOL! THanks so much for linking up with us! We hope to see you back next month too!

  10. Heather your cupcakes look delicious! You definitely have talent in the baking department. A European vacation sounds amazing. My parents went on a European cruise for their 30th anniversary and just loved it. Going to Italy and Greece are on my bucket list.

  11. Wow! I'm now hungry for a cupcake! I would love to travel to Europe too!

  12. Wow - your cupcakes are amazing!! I've been teaching for 12 years and I love children's books, too!! I loved the parts of Europe I've been to and can't wait to go back again someday!

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First


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