Summer Bucket List

Happy Summer!!!  This linky party from What the Teacher Wants was the perfect link-up for a blog post!  Here is my Summer Bucket List: 
*I have some professional development meetings to attend and my kindergarten team will also be doing some team planning this summer!
*Summer organizing - Definitely want to do some organzing around the house!
*Exercise - Going to try to get on my treadmill more or walk in the evenings!
*Read - I really want to make more time to read...any book suggestions????
*Blog Posts - I don't want to neglect my blog over the summer so I want to make sure I am still blogging!
*TpT - I would love to get some new products in my TpT store this summer!
*Vegas - Who else will I see there?!?!  So excited!
*Beach - Can't wait!
*Day Trips - My husband and I love doing little day trips over the summer!
*Fun with Family & Friends - Can't wait to spend time with family and friends! 
What is on your summer bucket list?!?!  Link-up with What the Teacher Wants to share!  
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  1. Hi Heather! Sounds like a great summer! I will also be at the TpT conference and will look forward to meeting you :)
    Kindergarten Planet

    1. Can't wait to meet you at the TpT Conference!! I'm so excited and it just seems like it will be so much fun!!! Have a wonderful week!!! :)


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