Currently JUNE!

Ummmm so how did JUNE get here so quickly?!?!  I'm excited to link-up with Farley for my Currently Post!  Seems like we were just doing this post for May...time sure does fly!

Here is my currently:
Listening: I was listening to The Bachelorette (any other fans out there?!?!).  Now we have on a new show called The Whispers.  My husband is paying more attention to it than I am because I am working on this post!
Loving: I am loving getting all of the TpT handouts for the sessions I am attending over the summer!!  Super excited!  Who else will be in Vegas?!?!
Thinking: I should not have opened those delicious S'mores Oreos!!  YUMMY!!  My plan was to make S'mores Oreo balls with them.  Well...I might just have to buy "S'more" from the store!  :)
Wanting: We are getting closer to the end of the school year and I have been on a roll with organizing/cleaning!  My kiddos are getting all sorts of giveaways and things added to the prize box because of this!!
Needing: I am doing an Ice Cream themed day tomorrow and need to pick up some ice cream treats for my kiddos!   
Summer Lovin': Beach, Vegas, Relaxing!! 
Have a great week everyone!! 
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  1. Oh my gosh!! I totally saw those Oreos and avoided them!!! I can already feel the addiction taking over and I haven't even had one! Glad to see I'm not alone:)

    Have a great week!

    1. They are really good!!! I'm still planning to make Oreo balls with them, but I just might have to go buy "s'more" of them!!! haha! :)

  2. Have not tried the Oreos,yet. Now I'm afraid to. Glad to see others sit and work with the TV and not in an office. We are not going to Vegas this year, because we are heading to London for 2 weeks and can't do everything.

    1. I definitely sit and work with the TV on! We have an office room, but barely use for working in. London sounds AMAZING!!! I would love to vacation there one day! Have a great rest of the week!

  3. Hi Heather! I missed The Bachelorette tonight, but saw some recaps this morning on the news. It seems two of the men may like each other a little too much! The preview for The Whispers made me too scared to watch it! Have a great June!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. I had The Whispers on while I was doing my Currently post, but wasn't really paying attention to it! My husband was watching it so looks like he might have a new show to watch!

  4. I watched the Whispers. I thought it was interesting-definitely super-creepy, but interesting. I'm jealous of your organization. I start out with good intentions and then just end up throwing stuff in tubs! :)

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. I am trying my best to organize and pitch things that I haven't used in years! I just gave away a few more things to my students today. They love it!!

  5. OOOH I havent even though to check for conference handouts yet! Off to do that now , thanks for letting me know they were starting to upload them! :)

    Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten

    1. It's so exciting to see the conference handouts!!!! Makes me even more excited for Vegas!!!! :)


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