Sunday Scoop!

Hello blogging friends!!  Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!  
I'm once again joining Teaching Trio's Sunday Scoop linky party!  If you have never joined, check it out because it is a super fun one!

Here is my Sunday Scoop!
 3 things I HAVE to do:
*We bought new ink for the printer and I have to put it in the printer!  
*I've made some TpT purchases recently and I really have to leave feedback on my purchases!  Love that TpT does the credits that you can earn to go toward your future purchases!
*Laundry and cleaning - of course!

2 things I HOPE to do:
*I bought some storage bins at Target on sale for 79 cents!!  What a deal!!  I plan to do some more classroom organizing!
*I'm really hoping to do a blog post about the MLK books I am planning to use this week!

1 thing I'm HAPPY to do:
*Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

Have a great week!
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  1. Thanks for the reminder to leave TpT feedback! I need to catch up on my feedback too.
    Good luck with the classroom organizing, it is also on my to-do list.

  2. I'm totally in need of some classroom organising too- what a bargain on the storage boxes! Have a lovely week Xx

  3. We had a 1/2 PD, 1/2 teacher work day on Friday, and I spent my half organizing. It felt so good to walk out with the room better organized! Thanks for linking up!
    Chalk & Apples
    Teaching Trio

  4. 79 cents! Wow. I need to load up on organizing tubs for the job of cleaning my son's room...doubt I'll find something that! Looking forward to your MLK post.

  5. I just caught up on my feedback last night. I got a good amount in credits and turned around and spent it right away. I let this last round pile up since AUGUST! That's a lot of purchases between now and then!

    I am forever organizing my classroom. Seriously, I'll call home and say I'm working on my room and my teens say, "AGAIN?" The good news is that my husband is a teacher and gets it!

    Have a great day!


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