Sunday Scoop!

Hi Friends!  I'm so happy to be linking back up with Teaching Trio for my Sunday Scoop!  I haven't linked up in for what seems like forever!

3 things I have to do:
*I have to finish up some of my lesson plans!  Here is a little peek at what we are doing:
Math - We have been working on addition!  My kids are doing really great with it!  I'm planning to use this adorable "Butterfly Addition" freebie from Mrs. Ricca's Kindergarten - check out her blog for some awesome ideas!  You can find the freebie by clicking the picture below.
Image from
Reading - We are working on comparing information in books and identifying the characters, setting, and events in stories.
Social Studies - Maps and Globes!  My kids are loving this!  The first day we talked about maps and globes, one of my students chose to write about a globe at the "Be an Author" center.  "Be an Author" is just my fancy word for writing center.  
Writing - Information writing!  We have been working on "how to" books.  My kids are writing everything from how to build a snowman to how to make a bowl of ice cream!  Love their ideas!
*I have to fold laundry and clean!!  Already told my husband it will be a busy day of cleaning!
*I have to find something to eat for breakfast!  Since I started typing this, my husband is busy in the kitchen cooking breakfastSo sweet of him! 
2 things I hope to do: 
*I hope to do some spring shopping!  Seems like there are some good sales out there right now.  Plus, I want to check out Target's dollar section and see what they have.
*I hope to work on some report card commentsWhenever I work on comments ahead of time, it definitely helps when I actually sit down to do my report cards!  
1 thing I'm happy to do: 
*I'm happy to link back up with my Sunday Scoop since I haven't linked up in awhile!!
Have a fabulous week everyone!!  
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  1. I feel like I haven't been shopping in forever! The Target $ Spot sounds like a good place to start. Enjoy your day.

    1. I love the Target dollar spot!! Always seem to find something I "need" haha!

  2. There always seem to be so many chores on our Sunday makes me feel better that I am not the only one, but I think having so much better :) Happy Sunday!
    Kovescence of the Mind

    1. It does always make me giggle a little when I see pretty much everyone have laundry or cleaning on their Sunday Scoop! Everyone is catching up from the busy work week!!

  3. I just finished my Maps and Globes unit with my Firsties. Always fun! I turned the kids into human GPS Machines! Something they all seemed to identify with.

    Love the "Be an Author" name for your writing center! How cute!

    Have a great day!


    1. The human GPS machine sounds like a great idea!! My kids are definitely excited about maps and globes! We made a map of our classroom and they loved it! Have a great week!

  4. Hi, I found your blog through the linky! I'm trying my best to avoid laundry today.Shopping is always a good plan in my opinion!
    Teaching, Love, Cupcakes


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