Liebster Award!

Hello Friends!  My kindergarten blogger friend, Alex from The Kindergarten Connection, has nominated me for the Liebster Award!  Apparently liebster means dearest, favorite, or beloved.  How sweet and thoughtful of her to think of me!  I didn't even have a speech prepared!  hahaha!  

The Liebster Award is a way of recognizing newer blogs with fewer than 250 followers.  It seems like another great way of connecting with new blogs.  I'm always excited to start following a new blog!  

Here are the "rules" for accepting this nomination:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated you.
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 250 followers.
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator.
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself. 
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
6. Contact your nominees by commenting on their blog or sending them an email to communicate the nomination.

You can add this as a sidebar widget to your blog after you have been nominated if you want!  
 First, you MUST check out Alex's adorable blog!  She has some super ideas to share on her blog!  
Here are the questions that I have been given to answer from Alex:
1.  How long have you been teaching? 
This is my 11th year teaching!  That seems like such a long time, but I can't believe how fast these years have gone by!!

2.  What is your favorite subject to teach?
My favorite subject to teach is math!  Math was also my favorite subject when I was in school.  I know some people might think I'm crazy for saying that!!  I just love how hands on math is in kindergarten.  I have my students using a lot of manipulatives during math lessons and I incorporate a lot of math games in my lessons.  This really makes math so much FUN for me to teach and for my students to learn!  

3.  What are 3 things you would say describe you?
Honest, Caring, Hard-Working

4.  What is the best thing about teaching, in your opinion?
The best thing about teaching is watching my students grow throughout the year.  Watching students who started kindergarten not writing their name or knowing alphabet letters and then writing multiple pages by the end of the year is AMAZING to me!! 

5.  If you weren't a teacher, what other career would you have?
You can probably guess by my blog title, "Recipe for Teaching" - I would be a baker!!  I LOVE baking! 

6.  What is your favorite children's book?
The Hello, Goodbye Window - LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!

7.  What is your favorite movie?
I can't pick just one!  Sweet Home Alabama, Overboard, Grease, The Wizard of Oz, The Goonies....I could keep going, but I'll stop!!

8.  Are you a morning or night person?
I can actually be both, but I'm probably more of a night person.  

9.  Where is the best place you've ever traveled?
Bermuda - I talked about this in one of my first blog posts because I was so surprised at how much my husband and I LOVED Bermuda!  The people were nice, the water was gorgeous, the shops and restaurants were adorable.  Bermuda is a place we have said we would go back to!  

10.  Are you a coffee or tea drinker? What is your favorite morning drink?
Tea drinker!!  I have to really be craving coffee to drink it and even when I do have coffee, I have a little coffee with my creamer!!!  Usually my coffee ends up looking more like hot chocolate!  I love tea!  I like using the loose tea leaves to make tea - so good!  I love green tea or water in the morning to drink.   

11.  What is your favorite quote?
"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale."  I love this quote because we used it at our wedding!  
And since I teach kindergarten, I love this quote: "All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten." ~ Robert Fulghum

11 Random Facts about Myself
1. I can play the piano and flute. 
2. I can't stand pulling cotton out of a medicine bottle - ick!
3. I'm a slight shopaholic!!  
4. I could go to Target and Michaels  
**Refer back to #3
5. I love reading magazines - US Weekly and People are two of my favorites!
6. I always wanted to be a teacher growing up!
7. I love trail mix!
8. I really don't care for carrying purses!  I wish I liked carrying a purse because I think they are so cute, but I prefer a wristlet! 
9. I love traveling to new places! 
10. I get excited when there is a new Hallmark Movie Channel movie!!
11. I LOVE Christmas!  I love Christmas shopping, Christmas music, Christmas movies, Christmas church services, Christmas parties, Christmas decorating, Christmas baking!  I love it all!! 

I'd like to nominate the following blogs for the Liebster Award! 

Steven over at The Superhero Teacher!  Check out his SUPER blog!
Katie at The Pawsitive Pencil!  Her blog is so cute! 
Another fellow Kindergarten Teacher, Molly at KinderMolly! 

Megan over at Cardigans and Caffeine!  I love her blog name because I own just about every color cardigan - walking into GAP or Old Navy and seeing cardigans on sale just makes me happy! 

Tasha from Confessions of a Tiny TeacherAnother cute blog name! 

Here are the 11 questions I would like you to all answer:
1.  How long have you been teaching? 
2.  What is your favorite subject to teach?
3.  What are 3 things you would say describe you?
4.  What is the best thing about teaching, in your opinion?
5.  If you weren't a teacher, what other career would you have?
6.  What is your favorite children's book?
7.  What is your favorite movie?
8.  What are your hobbies?
9.  Where is the best place you've ever traveled?
 10.  What is your favorite food?
11.  What is your favorite quote?
There you have it!!  That was a LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG blog post!!!   

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