Sunday Scoop!!!

It's Sunday and time for Sunday Scoop!  Did anyone else get to watch Perfect on Paper (the new Hallmark Movie last night)?!?!  I had posted about how I was having a girl's night to watch it in my Five for Friday post.  Snacks, pajamas, chats, and a Hallmark movie make for a perfect evening of girl time!  It was a really cute movie!  We saw some previews for some upcoming Hallmark movies that also look really good.  
Here is my Sunday Scoop!

3 things I HAVE to do:
1. My "Week in a Peek" is what I use instead of a homework planner - it keeps track of behavior, gives homework ideas, tells if we have PE/Art/Music/Library, and gives any notes/reminders for the upcoming week.  It is a one page document that stays in my students' folder all week and it is wonderful!!  This is what it looks like:

2. Does anyone ever try to go climbing on their laundry pile????  I feel like that is what I could do - have to fold some laundry!! 
3. I have to check my fantasy football team!  My team won the past two weeks - yippee!!  I totally knew had no idea what I was doing when I drafted my players for my team hahahaha!  Somehow my team has done well though!  
2 things I HOPE to do:  
1. We'll be watching football today and cheering on the Ravens and Redskins!!
2. I really hope to order the book Peanut Butter and Cupcake this week.  I saw someone (I can't remember who) post about this book on Instagram and I must have this book!!

1 thing I am HAPPY to do: 
1. I decorated for fall yesterday!  I kept the summer decorations out long enough and it was time to get the fall decorations out!  You can print the fall subway art printable in my second picture by going here.  There are some really great subway art printables if you check around that site.  Another site I love to go to for subway art is here.  Both are great websites for finding FREE subway art to decorate with!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT week! 
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  1. I love your fall decorations - they look great!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. Thank you so much!! I love decorating for the seasons and holidays!!

  2. Thank you!! I was going to wait until it was "officially" fall, but then decided to decorate this weekend!!!


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