Sunday Scoop

So I think I have an addiction to Blog Link-ups!!  They are just so much fun to do and it is such a fantastic way to find new blogs!  I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for their new Sunday Scoop Link-up!  You can link-up by clicking the image below!

3 Things I Have To Do:
*I finished the Sunday Scoop!
*I will be going to bed soon so I will brush my teeth then!
*I love finding new recipes!  I even have a page on my blog for recipes which I really need to update so maybe that should have been a "have to!"

2 Things I Hope To Do:
*I am reading Where She Went which is the sequel to If I Stay.  I really hope to finish it soon!
*I hope to look at some of the blogs from this link-up!  I love finding new blogs!

1 Thing I'm Happy to Do:
*Sit on the couch and relax!  Just finished watching Big Brother and now we have football on.  My team lost today, but hopefully will WIN on Thursday!

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  1. I have had fun looking at all of the blogs that linked up too! Thanks for taking the time to link up with us!

    Tech Crazy Teacher
    Teaching Trio

  2. Hi Heather - I love your blog title and am glad I found you. I'm your newest follower. Our list never stops growing I'm afraid. Have a great week.
    Teaching and Much Moore

    1. Vicky - Thank you so much for checking out my blog!! I'm fairly new to blogging and I have found that I LOVE it!! I have found so many great ideas from all the amazing teachers out there!! I can't wait to check out your blog!


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