Make Your Masterpiece!

This TpT Seller Challenge has really been a lot of fun and a great way to see how creative other teachers are!  
Week 3 of the challenge is this:
If you couldn't tell by my blog name and some of my posts, I love to bake cupcakes!  I have been working on some cupcake themed ten frame posters for my classroom and thought this would be perfect for this week's challenge!
You could use these to hang up in your classroom for students to refer to.  You could also put them out at a math station and put different manipulatives with the posters.  Students could count out the number of manipulatives to match the poster.  You could even make them into a counting book for your students.  Lots of possibilities!
Today is your lucky day because I have uploaded them to my TpT store and they are FREE for TODAY ONLY!!  This month is my one year "Blogiversary" and I wanted to do a little thank for supporting my blog throughout the year!
 Head to my TpT store to check out these posters by clicking the image below.  I really appreciate you leaving feedback if you do download!  (I'll count your feedback as swapping with another seller to edit for that part of the challenge!!)
Thanks again to these fabulous ladies for hosting the challenges each week!  
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  1. These are super cute! Ten frame posters are so helpful for the kids!


  2. You made such an awesome Masterpiece! I LOVE how you made it to fit your theme, and I can't wait to see pics of your classroom setup and decor this year, I bet it's going to be SWEET!!! :-) You should be super proud of your hard work, it looks really great!
    Come on over to my blog and enter to win my Masterpiece, which is 'Sweet Skills for the Beginning of the Year' and would fit PERFECTLY with your sugary sweet classroom theme!
    Thanks so much for sharing your Masterpiece with us, I love it!!

    Kindergarten Dragons


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